SC “Žemaitijos pienas” was founded in 1924 and is among the leading-edge dairy
companies in Lithuania and the Baltic States. In order to meet the needs of consumers, SC “Žemaitijos pienas” focuses on product quality and puts special emphasis on making sure that they are healthy, natural and without chemical additives.
SC “Žemaitijos pienas” is a modern company with profitable daughter companies
SC “Klaipëdos pienas” and SC “Šilutës Rambynas” and owns 270 milk collection points equipped with cooling tanks. It produces wide range of dairy products (milk, kefir, yogurt, butter, cream, curd, cheese, ice-cream, whey powder), mineral water and soft drinks.
Company is located in an ecological region, products are ecological and high quality.
In aim to manufacture sterling products, „Žemaitijos pienas” AB introduced a modern
and expensive milk microfiltration technology „Bactocatch” - the state-of-the-art
scientific product used in milk processing. It is simple and genius-like. Ceramic filters
are made of tiny membranes (holes) that are still big enough for proteins and other
milk components to pass through, but are too small for microbes. The milk cleaned
with the help of the membrane filters has 99.99 % less bacteria (including temperature resistant and pathogenic bacteria) than before. There is no need to pasteurize such milk at a higher temperature, products made of it are tasty and meet the requirements set for high quality produce.